Buying A Business In Sydney Is An Exciting & Potentially Very Rewarding Journey of Discovery!

First, Consider What's your Motivation to Buy a Business?

At some stage in their lives most people aspire to owning their own business. Motivations for this include;

  • income greater than present,
  • the flexibility of being your own boss
  • controlling your own destiny
  • building future wealth and security
  • recognition of achievement from family, friends and piers

People buy businesses for many different reasons and understanding your motivation is critical. Equally for us, understanding you as the buyer is essential to finding the best business opportunity for you and your current circumstances.

The buying process is a journey of fact finding, analysis and discovery.

Which Local Business is for You?

If you are seriously looking to move into your own business we need to talk. We will assist you to determine the best business to fit your motivations. We take into consideration all the variables to match you with the right business.

Finding a business is not as easy as it sounds, you may think you know what you are looking for however have you fully considered your business aspirations against your skills, personal traits, financial capacity and lifestyle goals?

Our experience is that more than 50% of buyers who make an enquiry against an advertised business listing buy a different business from that initially enquired on.  Often for first time buyers, in a different category of business to their initial thoughts.

A competent broker will guide you through your journey, remain dispassionate with any emotional attachment you bring, to practically and realistically lead you through your journey to find the right business for you, ensuring you have the best possible chance of success in your new venture.


Why use a Sydney Based Business Broker?

A business broker is a professional who has specific training and experience in helping people buy and sell businesses. Legally and ethically the broker can only act for one party in a business sale transaction, either the seller or the buyer. However a competent business broker is a match maker who project manages stakeholders through a complex series of processes which results in the transfer of ownership from the Seller (Vendor) to the New Owner.

A professional broker is experienced in dealing with all potential stakeholders in the business transfer transaction - buyers, sellers, landlords, franchisees, licensing bodies, financiers all of whom can have roles and influences in the success or failure of the process of buying a business. As required we are well connected to introduce any professionals who may be needed to assist parties to the transaction.

A business broker is a licensed professional has the specific training and experience to help both parties through this complex process. At Transact Group we're not only based in Sydney, we're Certified Practicing Business Brokers and Members of the Australian Institute of Business Brokers the peak body representing the profession in Australia.

At Transact Group our philosophy from a buying perspective is:

“the successful sale of a business only occurs if the buyer is comfortable with their decision to buy – the sale is the outcome of navigating a complex process”